Tips for staying motivated
When keeping fit, commitment and dedication are both key in order for you to see results. While there will be some days where you feel on top of the world after your workout, there'll also be days where you don't perform as well as you'd have liked, which can leave you feeling a little depleted.
Don't be perturbed though, because it's normal to have the odd "off" workout. When this happens, just take a short break and come back to it the next day with a clearer mind.
Here at Well One, we understand that this is easier said than done. So if you've been lacking motivation of late, here are a few tips to help keep you on track:
Set a goal
If you don't have a goal or target in place, it can make you think that you're putting the work in for nothing, making it easier for you to fall off the fitness wagon.
Therefore, set yourself a realistic and achievable goal that you can work hard for. Remember not to set your sights too high though, as a target that's over-ambitious can leave you feeling frustrated.
Start with a simple goal and progress to longer range goals.
Make a schedule
Another great way to stay motivated is to make a schedule. It can help to have a set plan in front of you, as this will make it easier to stick to your workouts.
Schedule your exercise around your work and social life to avoid making excuses about not having enough time to carry it out.
After following your plan for a couple of weeks, you'll soon get to grips with your new lifestyle and it should feel more like the norm.
Workout with friends
Working out with your friends or family is a good way of ensuring you don't miss a workout, as you can all help to keep each other motivated.
Friends serve as a great support system and can lift your mood on those days where you don't feel like exercising. What's more, there are lots of exercises that are specially designed to be carried out by two or more people, so you can get involved and spur each other on together.
Make it fun
Working out can be a struggle – even more so if you don't enjoy the exercise you're performing. So if exercising seems like more of a chore than a fun activity, it's time to switch up your workout routine.
Try something different like a dance class, where you can keep fit while getting down to some good tunes. Or if you don't particularly enjoy running, but like cycling, step away from the treadmill and take up spinning.
Just because you don't particularly enjoy one type of workout doesn't mean you won't enjoy another. Find something you love and do it more often.
It will make a difference to your workout routine and make you feel more motivated.