Small changes that make a big difference in summer
Whether the summer has started for you or you’re getting ready for it to hit in the next few months, you know that your lifestyle needs to change slightly in the season.
Warmer weather, higher humidity and more sunshine mean you need to take care of yourself in a different way than you would in the winter.
Not only can small changes make you more comfortable on summer days, they can also ensure you stay at your healthiest throughout the season.
It can be too tempting to do nothing but lounge in the sun with a cold alcoholic beverage and an ice cream, but here’s what you should actually try and do:
Drink more water
When it is hot and humid, your body can become dehydrated much faster as it needs to perspire in order to stay cool. If you’re also drinking booze or things like iced tea or coffee, you will find yourself getting dehydrated faster.
The easiest change you can make is to ensure you’re carrying a bottle of water with you during the day. This will help you stay hydrated – especially if you’re out in the sun – and stop you reaching for unhealthy, sugary drinks instead.
Ditch your car
If it’s nice and sunny outside, who wants to be stuck in a hot car? Why not leave it at home and walk or cycle to your destination? Not only will this allow you to fit a bit more exercise in, it will also get you out in the sunshine, which means more vitamin D.
Just be sure to have comfortable shoes if you’re walking and all the right safety equipment if you’re cycling. Either way, you’ll probably find that you’re in a much better mood throughout the day if you spend this extra time outside.
Mix up your salads
Whether you’re trying to get healthy or just can’t be bothered to cook when the weather’s hot, salad tends to be a go-to choice during summer. While it’s a great way to get more vegetables into your diet, a simple salad doesn’t have everything your diet needs.
This summer, mix up your salads and include more than just lettuce and cucumber. Adding protein, carbohydrates and unsaturated fats will not only make your diet more interesting, it will ensure you get everything you need on a daily basis. Plus, you’ll find yourself less likely to binge eat so all those healthy diets will really pay off.
Get active
If you live in an area that can get wet and miserable throughout much of the year, it makes sense to enjoy the summer while you can. As well as simply relaxing outside, make sure you get active.
Doing outdoor sports and activities will get you moving, improve your fitness and ensure you have fun at the same time. Try things like swimming, rock climbing and hiking to truly enjoy the great outdoors this summer.