My Fitness before and after
MY FITNESS… by Christian Jacinto Picaso
During my teenage years I used to do a lot of sports such as Karate, Unihockey, Pingpong and Mountain Biking. I was really fit then, but I had to stopped because it was conflicting with my highschool schedules. At least Unihockey, I was still able to play it in highschool until I got to college.
Jojo Effect
It was 2009 when I decided to be vegetarian for a while, just to eliminate most of the unhealthy foods that tend to cause my weight issues. Becoming a vegetarian gave me another opportunity to live a healthy life. I lose weight without engaging to sports and without exercising.
Somewhere in June 2009, I was invited to a Filipino Party, sumptuous and mouth watering recipes were served. The foods that I was craving for a while where all in the table. So I thought, since I’m on a feast and it’s been a while since I have been depriving myself to eat appealing foods, this time I deserved to eat as much I can. So I have eaten too much. Until the moment came when I felt I was no longer in the mood to be vegetarian. And what happened? The «jojo effect». My weight exploded. It exceeded as before I started to be vegetarian. In 2009 I was more than 90 kilos. In 2010 I was occupied with my work & school especially during finals. Instead of engaging myself in sports to find balance, I was into food hunting. And I feel too tired to work out. I was gaining weight and to be exact I was 100 kilos, my height was 170cm, my body mass index was 34.6. I felt frustrated. I consulted a doctor. I was surprised, because my body record was a bit high but still acceptable. But my doctor asked me to lose weight. He told me it’s not too late but I must act quickly. I have to be realistic. I was not motivated to start jogging because I was too heavy. I even not in the mood to go swimming.
«Wing chun kung fu & eskrima»
Finding the right activity has not always been easy. It was a constant struggle finding something new, something fresh, something I would really enjoy. Mmh Martial Arts? Why not?! During my vacation in America in year 2010, I watched a movie titled «IP MAN» it’s a story about the master teaching «Wing Chun Kung Fu.» I was inspired by the movie or by the style or the moves itself. Instead of going back to Karate, I was looking for a martial arts school which offers «Wing Chun». Luckily I was able to find one, and when I checked their program I found out that they also offer «Eskrima» Philippine Martial Arts. I made an appointment for a free trial session. I really both liked the styles, but still I can’t decide which one to learn and practice. But since I both enjoyed them, I decided to enrol in Wing Chun & Eskrima. Now, I have been training for 2 years during Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ideally 3 hours per session from 6:45 to 9:45 in the evening. But because of my work shift schedule, sometimes I can’t manage to have a 3 hrs training, I can only train Eskrima at 8 o’clock in the evening, after my late shift from work. In the beginning it was hard to train martial arts for 3 straight hours, I needed a lot of small breaks. But now, I can comfortably train for 3 hours with no mini breaks. I’m always excited and still enjoying my training in Wing Chun and Eskrima. It makes me physically and mentally fit.
2009, I was gaining weight. I started my everyday jogging, I really did. But after 3 weeks I failed because my goal was too high. I lost some kilos but I got the «jojo-effect». And the everyday jogging was not enjoyable, it was like a pressure to do something that I don’t want to. After enrolling in martial arts school in year 2011, I was losing weight and rediscovered jogging. This time, I started step by step and set goal on it. I still remember my first jogging route in a hill with a 2.3km routes, I needed 34 mins with 4 stops to finished the routes. Months later I finished it in 11 minutes continuously. This time I go jogging in a hilly area continuously in a 6-8km routes. My personal record was in the Philippines when I was on a holiday on December 2012, I joined a 10km run which made me to finished in 1 hour 8 mins.
Small groceries, walking instead of driving. I discover the joy of walking during the Quentiq challenge. After my 2nd place victory last year, I still enjoy walking. Early this year, I had to increased my walking exercises, because I had a work related accident which injured my back. I had to find a way to keep my fitness. My doctor asked me to stop my fitness activities including martial arts, jogging and biking. I could not work for 2 months. Every time I had my medical check-ups, Physical Therapy, and Massage I always walked going to the place. Even I could not walk quickly but I had the time, I walked using my walking sticks. During that time it takes me 40 Mins for 1.5 km route. Rain or shine I had to walked. When I returned back to work, all my activities I used to do were still forbidden. What I did, since my work place is just a few meters away from my home, I made another route because it will only takes a minute or two to get there by walking. Since I returned all my activities, I still do the walking but not so much like when I have my back injury. Until now I walk at least 2 kms before and after my work shift. But when I have the split shift, I walk at least 8 kms (4 x 2 kms).
My doctor suggested to do a swimming exercise during my sick-leave. Because of my back injury I have to stay home. That time I was scared to just lying in bed the whole day and do nothing. It was not a good idea for me because I know I will gain weight. So, everyday I spent 45mins to 1hr in the pool to get a good workout, to maintain my weight. But with the combination of swimming and walking, I was able to keep my kilos. I stopped swimming during summer, because I have my outdoor activities. I will return swimming when the weather gets colder.
«Mountain biking & cycling»
I started to work in psychiatry hospital, have my first car and I was getting married. Because of the irregular working time, I was not able to return in my sports activities. Even mountain biking I unconsciously stopped, I chose my car over my bike. What happened? I gained more weight. Until, last year I rediscover mountain biking as additional cycling. I also bought racing bike for my road biking. This summer I was able to enjoy an early morning bike ride and/or late afternoon especially after work. Now, I even use my bike when going to the grocery to buy some stuffs.
I have no specific diet program. I don’t deny, that sometimes I still crave for fast food, but I don’t forbid myself. I can eat what I’d like, because I don’t deprive myself anymore like I did years ago. I have to think realistic at the same time flexible in my meal plan. I can eat my favorite burger but I have to forego fries or vice versa with no soft-drinks. I can eat my favorite Pizza and Pasta if I will engage in sports activities.
I can still remember then, before I go to work, I used to eat 3-4 slices of bread during breakfast. Then another sandwich during breaktime, and after 2 hours, a full lunch. Then, after my work shift I already eaten a full meal at 5 in the afternoon, watched television or played video game or went to sleep. Then at 8 in the evening another full meal.
Now, what I did? I have 1-2 slices of dark bread and a fruit for my breakfast. Another fruit during break time. And of course a full lunch. After work, when I have no martial arts training, I eat salad or a platter of fruits.
The left picture was taken on November 2010, I was 100 kilos then.
The right picture was taken last June 2013, I was 78 kilos.
At the moment I’m 75 kilos. My goal is 72 kilos and maintain my sport activities.
I normally wear XL Size clothing, but now I can comfortably wear Medium or even Small Sizes. It’s the first time since 2005, I can wear my favorite dark jeans trousers. What a great feeling!
Yago asked me to write a blog about my experience on losing weight. And now I’m happy to share with you my experiences. It was Yago, who recommended me to used Quentiq/Well One last year. The Well One platform supports and maintain my daily work outs. It’s a big help for me.
I lost my kilos not only with my own discipline. There are more, like the support of my family and friends, especially my wife. I’m very thankful to them.
To be successful, one must have a Goal…