
The best fitness classes for your health

With the weather outside being less than attractive, many people can see their exercise plans fall apart during the winter. However, sticking to a long-term fitness regime is the only…

Things to know before starting running

If you're a fitness fanatic, but tend to focus on body weight exercises – or if you're a newcomer to the fitness world – you might be considering taking up…

How to exercise without trying

If you aren’t a huge fan of exercising, but know that you need to introduce it into your lifestyle, it’s time to get your act together. While gym memberships can be expensive and you don’t particularly enjoy running on track,…

Tips for fitting exercise into a busy schedule

If you work nine to five and have a whole host of other daily commitments aside from your job, you might feel that your busy schedule is taking over, leaving…

Tips for staying fit and healthy on holiday

In the run up to a summer holiday, many people make it their mission to get fit and healthy, be it going to the gym, running outside or taking part…

What happens when you stop training/working out?

Working out can be a great way to improve your overall fitness and can help to boost your mood. It keeps our bodies in tip-top condition, but what happens when…

What technology could help you get fit

Improving your fitness levels and tracking your goals doesn’t have to be difficult. There are a lot of technology solutions that can make planning and tracking the time you exercise…

What to consider before starting cycling

Cycling is a fantastic sport that almost everyone can do. No matter what age you are or how much disposal cash you have each month, there is nothing to stop…

Why should you stretch after you work out?

You might think that the way your workout or how long you exercise for are the most important parts of getting fit, but there’s more to it than just hitting…

Why you should ditch the gym for the running track

During the winter, exercising outdoors seems like such a chore. It’s so difficult to leave your warm house and go out into the cold in order to run, and doing…